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Employment | |
2018 - Present | Oracle Corp. Principal Data Scientist |
2017 - Present | California Institute of Technology Research Consultant |
2017 - 2018 | Snap Inc. Data Scientist |
2012 - 2017 | California Institute of Technology Postdoctoral Fellow in Social Neuroscience |
2011 - 2012 | University of California, Los Angeles Postdoctoral Scholar in Affective Neuroscience |
Education | |
2005 - 2011 | University of California, Los Angeles Ph.D. - Social Psychology |
1999 - 2003 | University of California, Berkeley B.A. - Psychology B.A. - Rhetoric |
Selected Training | |
2011 | UCLA Neuroimaging Training Program |
2009 | University of Michigan Summer Training Course in fMRI |
2007 | UC Santa Barbara Summer Institute In Cognitive Neuroscience |
Selected Honors | ||
2013 - Present | Consulting Editor, Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience | |
2015 | Most Downloaded Article, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (10.1162/jocn_a_00785) | |
2014 - 2016 | Della Martin Postdoctoral Fellow in Mental Health | |
2014 | Instructor, University of Michigan Summer Training Course in fMRI | |
2013 | Rising Star Award, Association for Psychological Science | |
2011 | Dissertation in Social Psychology Award, UCLA Department of Psychology | |
2010 | Distinguished Teaching Award, UCLA Department of Psychology |
Graduate-Level Teaching | |
Summer 2014 | Functional MRI Design and Data Analysis Labs Instructor, Summer Training Course in fMRI, University of Michigan |
Summer 2011 | Methods in Social Cognitive Neuroscience Workshop for Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Labs, UCLA |
Winter 2011 | Computational Methods in Neuroimaging Teaching Assistant, University of California, Los Angeles |
2009 - 2010 | Presentation of Psychological Materials Teaching Assistant Consultant, University of California, Los Angeles |
Undergraduate-Level Teaching | |
Winter 2009 | Human Motivation Teaching Assistant, University of California, Los Angeles Instructor: Bernard Weiner |
Fall 2008 | Experimental Research Methods in Social Psychology Teaching Assistant, University of California, Los Angeles Instructor: Naomi Eisenberger |
Spring 2008 | Introduction to Social Psychology Teaching Assistant, University of California, Los Angeles Instructor: Sabrina Pagano |
Winter 2008 | Introduction to Social Psychology Teaching Assistant, University of California, Los Angeles Instructor: Benjamin Karney |
Fall 2007 | Introduction to Social Cognition Teaching Assistant, University of California, Los Angeles Instructor: Matthew D. Lieberman |
Spring 2007 | Experimental Research Methods in Social Psychology Teaching Assistant, University of California, Los Angeles Instructor: Elisheva Gross |
Winter 2007 | Experimental Research Methods in Psychology Teaching Assistant, University of California, Los Angeles Instructor: Elizabeth Bjork |
Fall 2006 | Introduction to Social Psychology Teaching Assistant, University of California, Los Angeles Instructor: Paul Davies |
Summer 2006 | Experimental Research Methods in Social Psychology Teaching Assistant, University of California, Los Angeles Instructor: Adam Fingerhut and Elisheva Gross |
Selected Presentations | |
Spunt RP & Rassin E (March 2008). Trait indecisiveness from an approach/avoidance perspective: The role of regret, maximization, and attitudes towards risk. Poster for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference. | |
Spunt RP, Satpute AB, & Lieberman MD (June 2008). Describing the Why, What and How of Action: An fMRI study of action identification. Poster for the Social & Affective Neuroscience Conference. | |
Spunt RP, Satpute AB, & Lieberman MD (February 2009). Identifying the what, why and how of an observed action: an FMRI study of action identification. Poster for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference. | |
Spunt RP, Falk EB, & Lieberman MD (October 2009). Why and how do people do what they do? An fMRI study of mentalizing and mechanizing known actions. Poster for the Social & Affective Neuroscience Conference. | |
Spunt RP (October 2009). The role of intuitive confidence in performance and confidence during problem-solving. Talk presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference. | |
Spunt RP, & Lieberman MD (October 2010). Understanding the mental and mechanical aspects of others: Towards a reconciliation of mirror neuron and mental state inference accounts of social cognition. Poster for the Social & Affective Neuroscience Conference. | |
Spunt RP & Lieberman MD, Cohen JR. & Eisenberger NI (January 2011). Is there cognitive pain? An fMRI study of negative affect during the exertion of cognitive control. Poster for the NIMH Interdisciplinary Behavioral Science Center Conference. | |
Spunt RP & Lieberman MD (January 2011). The neural systems of understanding emotional expressions: distinct roles for mirror and mentalizing systems in how and why construals. Poster for the Emotion preconference at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. | |
Spunt RP & Lieberman MD (January 2011). The busy social brain: an fMRI study of cognitive load during action understanding. Poster for the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. | |
Spunt RP (April 2011). Mirroring bodies, inferring minds: an fMRI study of behavior identification and mental state inference during action understanding. Talk presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society. | |
Spunt RP (January 2012). The brain of the naive scientist: an identification-attribution model. Talk presented at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. | |
Spunt RP (April 2012). The phenomenology of error processing: the dorsal anterior cingulate response to stop-signal errors tracks reports of negative affect. Talk presented at the meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society. | |
Spunt RP (October 2012). Investigating the neural bases of social inference. Invited talk for the California Institute of Technology Computational Neuroeconomics mini-conference. | |
Spunt RP (December 2012). The brain of the naïve psychologist: fMRI studies of explaining behavior. Invited talk in the Department of Psychology at University of Mary Washington. | |
Spunt RP & Lieberman MD (January 2013). The neural correlates of observing nonverbal behavior critically depend on the observer’s goals. Talk presented at the Nonverbal Behavior preconference at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. | |
Spunt RP, Meyer ML, & Lieberman MD (March 2013). The dorsomedial prefrontal cortex response to fixation baseline is associated with efficient social inference. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Caltech-Tamagawa gCOE Program. | |
Spunt RP, Meyer ML, & Lieberman MD (April 2013). The dorsomedial prefrontal cortex response to fixation baseline is associated with efficient social inference. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society. | |
Spunt RP, Elison, JT, Dufour, N, Hurlemann, R, Saxe, R, & Adolphs R (November 2013). An intact cortical network for theory of mind in three adults with bilateral amygdala lesions. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Social Neuroscience. | |
Spunt RP, Elison, J. T, Dufour, N, Hurlemann, R, Saxe, R, & Adolphs R. (November 2013). An intact cortical network for theory of mind in three adults with bilateral amygdala lesions. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. | |
Spunt RP (February 2014). Automaticity and control in social cognitive neuroscience. Talk for Social Cognition preconference at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. | |
Spunt RP (February 2014). A framework for investigating automaticity and control in social neuroscience. Talk for the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. | |
Spunt RP (February 2015). The neural bases of conceptual action hierarchies. Talk for Mental Simulation preconference at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. | |
Spunt RP (July 2015). Do humans have a brain network dedicated to theory of mind? Invited talk presented at the 12th International Symposium on the Science of Behavior. | |
Spunt RP (September 2015). Is fMRI data a valid measure of social cognition? Talk presented at the European Society of Social Psychology small group meeting entitled: “Towards a Neuroscience for Social Psychologists”. | |
Spunt RP (June 2016). How the ordinary human mind answers why-questions: Clues from brain imaging studies. Invited talk for the meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology. |