
Citation Metacharacters

          Action              | Metacharacter(s) |                   Example                    | ----------------------------------|------------------|----------------------------------------------|  Author names outside parentheses | ^                | {^Oscar, Jones, and Peyton, 2011, #32345}    |  Brackets instead of parentheses  | [                | {[Jones et al., 2006, The title}             |  Literal text                     | \YOUR_TEXT\      | {\see also reference \Mikelson, XN, 1996}    |  Add page numbers                 | @                | {Maguire, 2005, Russian History@45-46}       |  Suppress Author Names            | - or %           | {Anderson, 1994; %Anderson, 1995; %Anderson} |  Don't enclose citation           | * or a!          | {!Johannson et al., 2003, Nature}            |  Suppress Superscript             | _                | {_Johannson et al., 2003, Nature}            |