
Shortcut Action
⌥DOWN Next channel or direct message
⌥UP Previous channel or direct message
⇧⌥UP Previous channel or direct message with unread messages
⇧⌥DOWN Next channel or direct message with unread messages
⌘[ Previous channel in your history
⌘] Next channel in your history
⌘/ Open quick list of keyboard shortcuts
⌘K Open quick switcher
⌘, Open Preferences
⌘. Toggle right pane open or closed
⇧⌘I Open Channel info pane
⇧⌘M Open Recent Mentions
⇧⌘S Open Starred Items
⇧⌘[ Switch to previous team
⇧⌘] Switch to next team
⌘2 Switch to team assigned to number 2
⌘1 Switch to team assigned to number 1


Shortcut Action
ESC Mark all messages in current channel or direct message as read
⇧ESC Mark all messages in all channels and direct messages as read
UP Edit your last message in current channel
TAB Reprint the last slash command you entered
⇧UP Highlight text to beginning of current line
⇧DOWN Highlight text to end of current line
⇧↵ Create a new line
ETAB Autocomplete usernames beginning with character “e”
⇧3DTAB Autocomplete channel beginning with character “d”
⇧;PTAB Autocomplete emoji beginning with character “p”
⌘U Upload a file
⌘↵ Create a new snippet
⇧⌘V Paste your clipboard contents as new text snippet
/AWAY↵ Toggle your “away” status
/COLLAPSE↵ Collapse all inline images and video in current channel
/INVITE↵ Invite another member to a channel or group
/LEAVE↵ Leave a channel or direct message
/ME↵ Displays action text
/MSG↵ Send a direct message to another user
/REMIND↵ Set a Slackbot reminder
/SHRUG↵ Append ¯_(ツ)_/¯ to your message
/FEEDBACK↵ Send feedback to Slack
/FEED[SPACE]HELP↵ Manage RSS subscriptions
/OPEN↵ Open a channel or group
/PREFS↵ Open the preferences dialog
/RENAME↵ Rename a channel or group
/SHORTCUTS↵ Open the keyboard shortcuts dialog
/WHO↵ List users in current channel or group